Moment with Michelle :: My Family

​This post is a first. It marks beginning of this blog telling you more about me - including and past the photos I took at last weeks love-filled wedding or a session with a gorgeous family laughing together. I feel close to the people I work with and the rapport we have is so easy and enjoyable. My hope is that these additional posts will feel like a piece of those easy conversations, and you will know my work and me better through my images and writing here. 

I couldn't think of a better place to start then by briefly introducing you to the two souls that are my daily life. I know it's a little corny/silly to start referring to yourself as a family when you get a puppy but it is how I felt last April when Jeff and I picked up Bailey. I can't believe how fast Bailey has grown! I actually kept track of his height on the inside door of our pantry. [I already mentioned the corny factor right?]


Last July I wanted a few photos of the three of us together while our pup was still a little guy. So as part of my birthday, we had a mini photo session and my mom came over to wield the camera.

When I was little my mom used to photograph my sister and I all of the time with her film camera and array of lenses and modifiers, she even shot a couple weddings! It must just be in my blood!

It feels like so much and so little has changed since July 2012. An obvious difference is how big Bailey is now, though he still has all of his puppy energy and resembles a lion muppet (my friend, Liz Washer, said it first and it's such a great description of him and all his wavy golden hair). Below are the most recent photos of him from earlier this week.